Friday, September 16, 2005

Guardian of Paradise

Guardian of Paradise is the latest effort by E. Hashimoto, creator of Akuji the Demon and several other freeware titles. Guide Tela as he embarks on a quest to find a cure for his ill sister.

Controls are:

Z - Action/Attack
X - Spirit Power
C - Switch Spirit Power
Q - Save Game
F1 - Collection Screen
ESC - Game Options

To leave the village, talk to the guards. Then find the elder and get his permission to depart.

Name: Guardian of Paradise
Developer: Buster
Category: Adventure
Type: Freeware
Size: 5MB


  1. Fantastic game. Brings back pleasant memories of Link to the Past, Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma. The Minish Cap didn't really hook me but this game sure did. Meaty sound effects too.

  2. I managed to barge my way into the last spirit, last power. All fun, love the different elements, but when you have to check 120 different combinations for lighting 5 candles, yeah, I hope there is a walkthrough....

  3. Yeah, I need either a walkthrough or a translation, I only got 1 spirit and tried everything... -.-
    Does someone know what I must do now?

  4. that spirit is able to trigger switches (as in those blue and brown floor switches), try to time it ;)

  5. This game is pure magic, same as Akuji the Demon. But the lack of English really hurts, especially when you have to solve the number puzzles on your lonesome, without the help of the flowers (I assume they give you hints).

    Pure Magic. Get Now.

  6. Hey cool game, I wonder why its been proposed just as a freeware, buster rocks. Love the artwork.

    Here are some of the most difficult switch codes

    Water Shrine

    3 1 4 2

    Earth Shrine

    3 1
    2 4

    Candles combination

    x x
    1 2

    At the moment I'm stuck at what seems to be the last level. Maybe I'll write a walkthrough this summer if I don't find better to do hehe

  7. Dark dungeon - to solve the puzzle with the flowers, you need to talk to animate and talk to flowers 1 and 2 according to this map


  8. Fantastic game - but I'm stuck in the forest maze. No matter which combination of directions I go in, I can't advance. Am I doing something wrong?

  9. Before you walk into the forest maze (I assume you mean the one that resembles the "Lost Woods" in Zelda, and not the maze where you have to find four or five ladybug type things), you'll want to look around the overworld for a cat. If you talk to the cat, it will disappear. Then, go back into the maze and after walking around a bit, the cat will be there to lead the way.

  10. please help! I'm stuck in this game, but it's a very strange thing.

    I'm in the second dungeon, the one when you acquire the spirit that allows you to swim. The problem is I need to change to the first spirit to be able to get out of the dungeon (turning again to the beggining of the dungeon, there's a room with mushroom, and I need to make it grow to jump and continue walking), and I simply cannot change the spirit.

    I press F1, (by default I have the second spirit selected) and I select the first spirit, but when I press F1 again, I still have the second spirit selected, and I can't use the magics of the first spirit (and for that reason, I cannot make the mushroom grow and pass that room and go out of the dungeon). I'm using windows 98. It's maybe some kind of bug?

  11. collect green coins for green powers. i'm stuck after that.

  12. Help!! I can't get my sword to work? I went to options and changed my sword button to z but everytime i click it,it thinks i mean select? Do you have to go somewhere to get your sword?

  13. For the english patch:

  14. I just got the first spirit and I'm supposed get through the forest next to the collector's houses. Where do I find the scitterscarabs for them so that I can pass?!

  15. It seems to be a nice game, but where is the sword at the start of the game? The Z button doesn't work as it seems there's no sword in equipment, so where could I find the sword?

  16. please help me to find the sword!!!!

  17. im stuck in evil paradise, with the puzzle of the 4 ice blocks to put on switch any one no how?

    i love this game is there any others like it?

  18. Me too, I can't find the sword at the beginning of the game... where is it please?


  20. Walkthrough doesn't cover evil paradise and I'm also stuck on the iceblock puzzle. Has anyone got past it yet?

  21. I can't believe how easy that ice-block puzzle wound up being once I figured it out. You ready?

    The three blocks on the same vertical line will be called A, B, and C from top to bottom. The fourth will be D.
    Push B left.
    Push D left.
    Push A up.
    Push C up.
    Push A left.
    Push B up.
    Push C left.
    Walk over the bottom switch, and the aquamarine is yours.

    - Sensei Le Roof

  22. What a Espetacular game!!! i started to play this game in the morning and just stopped when i finhed it!!! i loved it!!!! cumps to the creator

  23. This is a fantastic game i love it but i am stuk in the nightmare maze i dont know how to pass the switches!

  24. I am also in the nightmare stage, past the ice puzzle and on a puzzle with a room with a skull hut in that just keep spitting out baddies and an unusual switchy thing hidden under the plants and a sealed door. I have tried killing everything, nothing, just killing hindreds of baddies without killing the hut, nothing, hitting the switch with my sword.
    Please help!

  25. qui l'a fini,je suis coincée a la fin .MERCI DE M'AIDER

  26. Great game but i am stuck in the dark paradise in the ice blocks puzzle

  27. Hello!

    Great even excellent game! Unfortunately I am stuck in the nightmare stage... I used the grow option to get past the first lock, but then I have no clue what to do... please somebody help me!!!


  28. Hey there,

    Could somebody help me? I'm stuck in the last level. There is a room with a small way (you can fall) and a kind of machine that sprays sth like snow... I just can't get past this point. Plesae hel me, thanks a lot!!!!!

  29. Need Help!
    I am now in the last part of Part 8, right before the boss fight where you have to long jump several times. I can not get the one diaginal jump using my keyboard arrows. What is the trick or am I missing something? I am addicted to this game...please help.

  30. well i'm stuck at the place where it says "think hard about the order that you whacks". I just acquired the hard-hitting thingie to destroy the tree barriers. And I just have two switched to whack, but I can't seem to get the door open! please help. thanks

  31. Im at the last part of the game.I have croosed water gone down and to the left. I need a green coin i dont know if u have to cross the water again (if you do icant find a water enemy) or kill these big plant guys (which i think one of them has a key under. If anyone knows what im talking about and can help.PLEASE DO IT!!

    Oh and GREAT game!!!

  32. Im at the last part of the game.I have croosed water gone down and to the left. I need a green coin i dont know if u have to cross the water again (if you do icant find a water enemy) or kill these big plant guys (which i think one of them has a key under. If anyone knows what im talking about and can help.PLEASE DO IT!!

    Oh and GREAT game!!!

  33. Great game, but im stuck on the very end part, with the last boss, can anyone help?

  34. the last boss? its simple.. all u have 2 do is gather the MP coins.. if u have water MP on you, you have 2 use an offensive water attack at the boss's ring.. the colours on the ring around him stand for the types of MP...

    e.g. BLUE=WATER


    good game... reminded me of zelda but better music..

  35. does anyone know any other games that are similar 2 guardian of paradise/zelda?

    i really want a game like these two..

  36. can some1 plz help me.i dont know how to leave the village the guards say find the elder and get his permission to depart.
    where do i find the elder? plz help.

  37. A brilliant game, but I have reached paradise, regained all the elements but cant get into any of the emblems. Can anyone help I have been stuck for a week

  38. to answer my own question! to gain 1st emblem in paradise go to locusts hit cracked ground between the 2 holes and fall through. Simple really. I hope the game just keeps on going.

  39. another great game (old though) is god of thunder Hours of fun and 3games in one.
    is the address.
    I'd like to hear of a few more great games myself.

  40. I'm so proud of myself! I almost always use walkthroughs. I got through this entire game BY MYSELF! The English translation helps a lot.

  41. I am in Paradise too and have one emblem [Forest] Cannot do anything else. Please someone give me some clues.

  42. To find the sword you go to the sign South=East Forest Town, turn right, go until you see 3 purple square stones. Move them to get by.
    go around the "trees" and you will se a sliding platform. Get on the platform and go to the other side.
    Fall into the hole on the left. You will be inside the cave. Go left until you see a switch. That will open the door to get the sword.

  43. I am in the final part of the game. How do I find the Dark?

  44. hi, im a newcomer to this game. Im stuck at the moment, my little green friend has just aquired his third trick. so ive smashed trees got that part, Ive past the first two big switches,(grey ones) now im up to two blue ones i need to press to open the next door, dont know how, can someone help me

  45. Guardian of Paradise is a polished Zelda-like game with great graphics and interesting gameplay, but it`s not without its flaws. The spell system may be well integrated with the game's puzzles, but I often found it to be very restrictive, especially when I wished I could use the dash and jump to get past some areas faster. Also, if you're gonna put any form of plot in a game you better give it some pacing. What plot there is in this game is just thrown at your face in the last moment, making it seem like an afterthought. The bosses were pretty nice, however, and kept my adrenaline pumping. Overall it`s a very good game, but not incredible. I`ll give it 8 out of 10.

  46. Would the ones that have finished the game please help us that is in the final area. When you say you are in Paradise and have recovered the elements but not emblems, where are the locusts you talk about?

  47. Im too am at the last part of the game.I have crossed water gone down and to the left. I need a green coin i dont know if u have to cross the water again (if you do icant find a water enemy) or kill these big plant guys (which i think one of them has a key under. If anyone knows what im talking about and can help.PLEASE DO IT!!
    Surely some that finished the game
    can help us here. The only coin I can find is for Dark. Cannot do anything with that.

  48. how do you fight the last boss, the one that has all the powers of the mana....aftrer the old man has transformed...i still don't understand the person who have already explained at 4/09/2007 07:23:00 PM ./...

  49. I am in Paradise, lost all emblems. Have to get them back again. Cannot see how to get the fire emblem the second time. It shows a large green button and a small yellow button. No enemies to fight to get them to open. None of the elements work on the buttons.

  50. fall through the hole at the top (where the dark emblem is needed)

  51. I need a key to get the dark emblem. where do I get the key?

  52. In the area where the whirling machines are that look like they are putting out fog/snow you can use the dark coin [purple] and run around the area to get to the chest at the end that has wind coins [yellow]. If you hold down the X and "walk" him slowly you can make it around to the chest. It takes some practice.

  53. I am also in the nightmare stage, past the ice puzzle and on a puzzle with a room with a skull hut in that just keep spitting out baddies and an unusual switchy thing hidden under the plants and a sealed door. I have tried killing everything, nothing, just killing hindreds of baddies without killing the hut, nothing, hitting the switch with my sword.
    Please help, i really don't know how i have to do!

  54. I"m in the last castle of the game, trying to get the emblems back. I have the forest emblem but that's it. I can't figure out how to go anywhere else. The only thing I can seem to do is fall through the holes in the floor but that doesn't take me anywhere new.

    Is there any other walkthroughs for the game? A hint? Anything so I can progress?

  55. After Cavestory,Guardian of Paradise was the best game I have ever played.Can someone tell me games similar to Gaurdian of Paradise?


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