Saturday, October 28, 2006


MELISSA is another shooter by Weva which configures your joypad automatically but features bland sprites and a snail pace.

Hold the X key to shoot, or press the Z key to change your weapon assuming that at least one power-up has been collected. Definitely a labor of love but one that will be overlooked by shmup veterans with an acquired taste for frantic action. A download is located right after the section which explains power-ups and their effects, while the default unzip folder is in C drive.

Developer: Weva
Category: Shooter
Type: Freeware
Size: 5MB


  1. This is a neat game, and I don't think it's snail paced at all, man, I love your site and appreciate your work, but sometimes your 'reviews' just plain suck, is not the first time I read stuff like this that make no sense and lack objection. Play the games longer before commenting on'em. I come here to see what you have found, but I ignore your comments as I've found they are usually missleading. Your perception is twisted, mate! Still, keep up the good work, I'll just try the games myself no matter if you recommend'em or not. LOL

  2. Keep the reviews coming Tim. Even if you don't like a game it's good to get some info on the gameplay. As for just posting links, that's fine if you don't have the time. Especially if it means seeing more Strategy and Role Playing games on the site.

  3. Nah, I like your reviews, Tim! They're usually quite reliable, and you get a good hint at what the game is like before you play it. No one can write a review that everyone will agree on, so that shouldn't be an issue. And your reviews are usually ten times better than the ones on Game Hippo, for instance.

    You definitely don't get enough credit for your hard work. This is the best blog I've ever seen, and you deserve lots of gratitude for keeping it up despite the high paced updates.

  4. "You definitely don't get enough credit for your hard work. This is the best blog I've ever seen, and you deserve lots of gratitude for keeping it up despite the high paced updates."

    Agreed, thanks for keeping up the good work. :)


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