Sunday, October 22, 2006


Noitu Love 2Joakim posted a teaser image from the next platformer project on his site. [Noitu Love, Tripline review]

A new AGS adventure game entitled The House That Ate My Soul was released today. Still buggy unfortunately.

bob recently did an interview with PC Zone about Grid Wars, Bizarre Creations and remakes in general. (Warning: strong language)

Here's a list of casual game portals compiled by Logler.

???Blue Tea Games (Cactus Bruce and the Corporate Monkeys) will release a Breakout clone entitled Crazy Critters next month.

danjo of Acoders fame is currently working on a secret project entitled Alien Shooter. Currently undergoing beta testing. [LadyBug 2k6, Pacman EX 2 review]


  1. Whatever that ??? game is I expect to be notified when another screen shot is available. >:O

  2. Huh, I wonder why I never saw his submission before.


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