Thursday, November 02, 2006


Jack-O is a decent carved pumpkin image maker program, with a number of decorations to spruce things up. Once you're done, the picture can be saved as a bitmap file in the game folder.

Name: Jack-O
Developer: BBaller, Chronic, CosMind, Ds
Category: Application
Type: Freeware
Size: 2MB


  1. Hi i was one of the programmers on this. Glad to see its spread pretty quick. I'm just posting to mention an update made today (nov. 3rd) to fix a memory leak that was over looked.

    Thanks for the suggestion about adding text to it. To be honest, i can't believe we never thought of doing it!

    Thanks again,

  2. hoy, CosMind here - a designer, artist, and programmer on this quicky little toy.

    i second chronic's appreciation on the post.

    i hope a bunch of cats find a fun creative outlet and see how far they can push the "rules" that Jack-O! lays out.

    as a side note, message text was something that was thought of, but a very conscious omission for two very intelligent reasons:

    1) this was intended as a "creative toy", not a greeting card maker. the focus was on providing a simple toolbox and ruleset that the user could stretch in creative manners; and hopefully surprise us (which many already are). if users wanted to convey a messege, then they have all the tools that they need to carve one out or build one with the little decorative toys. word :)

    2) chronic, bballer, and i busted guts to rock this together in less than 5 days - on a timeline like that, it comes down to deciding exactly what the most crucial and fun features were.

    peace! keep having fun, igniting the thoughtful discussions, and spreading the indie love :D


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