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Sunday, December 17, 2006
Click here to view the cheats, but be warned. It will ruin much of the experience.

Get the Jets'n'Guns expansion pack here.
Blogger Tim said at 12/17/2006 06:59:00 AM:  
Jets'n'Guns Cheats

Press the tilde key "~" to bring down the console and enter the codes below. Some have to be entered every time you finish a level.

veni_vidi_vici : Win the Level

keep_cool 1 : Cooling System Bonus

arnold_for_president 1 : Invulnerability

power_to_the_people 1 : Power of Weapons x4

richman n - Sets the Amount of Funds to "n"
Anonymous Anonymous said at 12/17/2006 06:50:00 PM:  
I love how SiL is considered a shooter. Good work. Such things would never happen on JiG. :p
Anonymous Anonymous said at 12/18/2006 02:46:00 AM:  
buy virtual villagers to support JiG... right.
Anonymous Anonymous said at 12/18/2006 07:05:00 AM:  
hah, buy virtual villagers if you like it, if you use this link some of the money will go towards JiG also.
Anonymous Anonymous said at 4/19/2007 06:19:00 PM:  
responding to jim w. comment, what the heck is the tilde key?
Anonymous Anonymous said at 8/03/2007 10:57:00 AM:  
the tilde key is the squiggly thing above the tab key