Monday, October 30, 2006


Crazy Power Disc PerfectA demo for Crazy Power Disc Perfect is available for download. [Crazy Power Disc review]

Uploaded Aquatic Sun to FileFront, an underwater exploration number by Liberation Games. Scott is currently working on Kingdom Elemental, a strategy title to be published by Chronic Logic sometime this month.

Takase is working on several new characters for Dot Fighters.

TypeStriker XE turns freeware! Download the 16MB full version from this page, then type in the following details after installation to register. [TypeStriker review]

First Name: FreeXE
Last Name: FreeXE
License Key: i?rx9x3f$xwbiy!usr_wajrpxt.iu8r@


  1. am so confused. where do I click to download the power disc game?

    I can't make sense of the site.

  2. See here for instructions!

    To make your life easier, please spend some time going through the FAQ.

  3. grah... I probably clicked on everything but that little http bit...

    They should just make it a big button... maybe some anime thing signifying downloading.... I dunno.

    Thanks though

  4. thanks for linking to the instructions again, and the correction as well! :)

    will try and make the FAQ more prominent somehow...


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