Image of a boss from
Ether Vapor posted; perhaps one made for this
encounter. [
Ether Vapor review]
metablog update; Joakim's
start page has a new image.
There's a playable
Cave Story interface made specifically for an upcoming
fan work.
La Croix Pan gets a new update which speeds up the main character's movement. [
La Croix Pan review]
Stompy, both blokes from Ovine by Design and Graham were recently interviewed by
Auld Games.
Seems like Krobon Station is serious about their upcoming
tennis arcade game. [
preview, Mogura 2 review]
Alonso Martin is looking for beta testers for his new platformer,
Heart Forth, Alicia.
pictured left to right, Krobon Station's tennis game, screenshot from Heart Forth, Alicia]