A 70MB demo for
The Silver Lining (the unofficial King's Quest IX) has been released. (I'd recommend the AusGamer's mirror, it's blazing fast)
Adventure Europe puts up the first
Broken Sword 4 in-game footage for download (50MB). UK Release date: 15th September 2006.
The full title is Broken Sword 4: The Angel of Death. It will be a point-and-click adventure, unlike the third in the series.
Click here to watch the same trailer on YouTube.
Runaway sequel will be released on September 2006, which means next month.

Mordalles of Duty and Beyond fame is currently working on
Chronicles of the Red Knight and a secret project with graphics resembling those found in
Future Wars. [Duty and Beyond
Eyezmaze's GROW nano updated to version 0.1.
Free Lunch Design of Icy Tower fame is currently working on three new games. One of them is entitled
Hodja and the Sleeping Eggplant.