For the humour in the tutorial alone, it's got to be
Frets on Fire. Now you finally get to live your dream of a rock star, have groupies and unprotected orgy fests. But first you must take a lesson from the begrudgingly Juergen, your instructor and the local guitar god extraordinaire.
Learn how to hold the keyboard in the coolest way, and you won't need to spend a few months' worth of allowance on a special controller. Song selection is rather limited, and the game itself is still undergoing revision but this is one title that is already showing plenty of promise. If you're no good with the strings, there's at least one or two good laughs to be had from the experience.
Placed first in the
Assembly '06 competition. (Scroll down for the results, under the Competitions tab) For more instructions,
click here.
Frets on FireDeveloper: Unreal Voodoo
Type: Freeware
Size: 30MB
CommentsSix: Sweet! Now I can pretend to be Nullsleep!
MD: This videogame is f*cking great :D, awesome, awesome.
finefin: juergen is right. i SUCK in this game! but i can't stop trying... :D